Voice and Speech Workshop for Interpreters and Speakers

… which is a two-hour training of practical skills, held stationary in Warsaw (Port Praski)

If you want to take part in the Workshop please answer the questions below. The dates/days are given below.

The last question contains the request for providing your invoice data which entails the declaration of your participation. It equals the order with payment obbligation.

The cost of one entry is 220 PLN. The number of places is limited.

More informations here

    Are you a liguistic interpreter or do you work with your own voice for many hours a week? (this is not a condition for participating in the Workshop)

    Which rules of your daily voice hygiene do you practise?

    What made you interested in the Workshops?

    Please fill in with the date or dates of your participation:

    Total price:

    ! - The workshops have already taken place, ask for a new date

    Please fill in with your data so that the invoice could be issued. Filling in this tab entails participating in the Workshop which will take place on the date you have chosen. It is held in Fizjoportal, ul. Stefana Okrzei 6/4U in Warsaw. Please fill in with: name, surname, street, house (and apartment) number, postal code, locality or NIP if it is a company invoice.

    Please fill in with your e-mail address. You will receive the participation confirmation (ie. the invoice) on it and/or the information about other events.

    Will you use your own mat during the Workshop?